The Architectural Services Department assists homeowners with issues pertaining to the Community’s Architectural Review Process. The goal of this process is to:

Contact Us

For guidance on what to submit with your application, which paint colors are approved by your Association, or any of the other architectural rules and regulations, contact the Architectural Services Department at or 510-865-3363 x348.

Community of Harbor Bay Isle Rules, Forms & Documents

Architectural Application

Meeting Dates

Submit Contractor Info

Community Dock Plans

Architectural Rules

Plant Guidelines

Drought Tolerant Plans

Lagoon Decks

Paint Palettes

Final Inspection Request

Vendor List

Synthetic Turf Requirements

Satellite Dish Form

Window Guidelines

Fence Lattice Extension

City Permit

Project Association Rules & Standards

Individual Project Association Rules apply to specific associations, and may be more restrictive than the Community Rules and Standards. Below are the current architectural documents on file, including exterior paint palettes.

Paint Brands

You may use any brand of paint, as long as it matches the names/codes listed in your palette. Please be aware that Kelly-Moore is no longer in business. If your association paint palettes uses Kelly-Moore, please have your painting contractor match the Kelly-Moore paint names/codes.

We are taking steps to have the Kelly-Moore palettes converted to another brand.

Community Architectural Committee (CAC)

Position Member Term Began Term Ends
Chairperson Mita Raval 03/2022 03/2025
Vice-Chair Marlene Grcevich 03/2022 03/2025
Member Kristi Young 09/2023 09/2026
Member Carole Parnes 01/2024 01/2027
Member Noel Cisneros 03/2024 03/2027