January 29, 2020
California Civil Code 1357.130, which took effect January 1, 2004, governs the manner in which Homeowners Associations can adopt new rules. The law requires that notice of a proposed rule change be provided 30 days in advance of its adoption so that Association members have the opportunity to comment.
Accordingly, the Community of Harbor Bay Isle Community Board of Directors has voted to change/update its election rules to be in compliance with California State Law SB 323. The Board of Directors will adopt the changes after 30 days of the distribution of this notice. The proposed Election Rules are included below for your review.
Please submit any comments about the proposed rule change to Dawn Jaeger, Executive Director, at the Community of Harbor Bay Isle, via email djaeger@harborbay.org, via fax 510-522-1436, or via mail to 3195 Mecartney Road, Alameda, CA, 94502.