2021 Lagoon Lowering Dates

April 8, 2021


The Community of Harbor Bay Isle has coordinated with the City of Alameda to lower both lagoon systems on the following dates:

April 26 – 30 2021 (with alternate/rain dates of May 10 – 14)

This is an opportunity for all lagoon homeowners to inspect their docks and curb walls for any needed repair and maintenance; it will also allow any necessary clean up along the curb wall. Please remember, submission of an Architectural Application Form and approval from the Community Architectural Committee is required before repairs can be made. Applications will be expedited to meet lagoon lowering dates. Please contact Anisa Dominguez, Architectural Standards Manager, if you have any questions.

This schedule is subject to change in the event of inclement weather or if the ambient temperature should rise above 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Please direct any questions regarding the lagoon to our Director of Maintenance, Joe Landaeta, 510-865-3363 ext. 350.