Welcome To The New Harbor Bay Website

The Community of Harbor Bay Isle is proud to present our freshly upgraded website!  The Community engaged Harbor Bay resident Roger Rouse, a professional web designer, to work with staff on this upgrade and the results are outstanding. Here is a list of the upgrades we are most excited about:

  • Speed – Overall, the most important improvement of the site. The new site will be dual-hosted and monitored 24/7 to make sure it is always running at top speed.
  • Cross-Platform Functionality – Another key enhancement – whether you are viewing our page on your desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, or, on your Mac or PC, you will have a positive experience that will allow you navigate the site and find the information you need.
  • The Gull’s Call Digital Integration – Following the Sept/Oct print edition of The Gull’s Call, issues in the future will be electronic-only, and will be available on our website or through a mobile app for iOS or Android. In the future, owners will be notified of new issues via email or postcard. In addition to saving the Community money on the printing and mailing costs, and providing our community news in a much more earth-friendly way, the digital edition will allow us to get news to the Community faster (no delay for the physical printing process) and will allow us to enhance our content with additional photos, videos, links, and more. We hope you will take a look, and give it a go.
  • Online Forms – Homeowners will be able to complete and submit forms online, directly from our site. The added functionality eliminates the issues that sometimes occurred for Mac and tablet users. No more PDF fillable forms that have to be downloaded and emailed; the new functionality will allow users to complete their form and safely submit it from one place – whether it’s their computer, phone or tablet.  Once submitted, an email will be immediately sent to the homeowner confirming receipt. Online forms currently available include: Architectural Applications, Vacation Security Watch forms, Architectural Final Inspections, and Automatic Payment Forms; and coming soon – Overnight Parking Requests for those associations with private parking.
  • Search Function and Site Map – Users will now be able to navigate easier and search the site to find the exact page they need.
  • Contact Form – Users will now have the ability to contact staff directly through the site – no more having to look up emails and open another application. The form uses logic to direct the comment or inquiry to the correct staff member, and provides an email confirmation to users.
  • Homeowners will still be able to securely access CHBIOA’s member’s only management database, FULLfocus, to review the status of any Architectural Applications, Work Orders, and Violations for their individual property, or to communicate with their manager. To gain access, use the Members Only Login link at the upper right of each page.

The Community hopes you will enjoy the new site and welcomes any comments you may have – you can even use our new Contact Form!